Tag Archives: Redress Raleigh

Redress Raleigh 2012

17 Apr

Something extraordinary will be taking place in 4 days.  It’s Redress Raleigh 2012 fashion show at the Contemporary Art Museum CAM Raleigh on Friday, April 20th at 8pm.  “Redress Raleigh enhances people’s understanding of eco-fashion and empowers them with relevant skills that will revolutionize the fashion industry”.   I’ve heard about this show for the past couple of years and I was never able to attend.  So I’m excited to be attending the show this year.

Here are a list of designer that will be showing off their beauty creative work:

Belinda Blakley of Belindabilly
Jana Saur of JBelle
Johanna Ely of Good Girls Studio
Julianne Applegate of JulieApple
Kendal Leonard with Amor Verde
Kim Kirchstein of Leopold
Margo Scott of Rocket Betty Designs
Melissa Lowery of SSD Jewelry
Oami Powers of Judah Ross
Stephanie and Zulay Smith of Zass Design & Pilar Ramirez and Alejandra Dunn of PamOr Designs

Stay tuned to Figure This? because I will be blogging more about the show and the designers in the upcoming week.  If you would like to attend the event, please visit Redress Raleigh for more information.